0844 870 4807 info@hadleyav.co.uk
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0844 870 4807 info@hadleyav.co.uk
London | Herts | Beds | Bucks

Security Alarm Systems

advance-alarms-dsc-lcd-5500-625x36021401_Security_DisplayStarting from the 1st of December, we will be designing and installing DSC security alarm systems as part of our business.

This will allow solve two problems:  It will allow us to fully integrate security alarm systems into the wider home automation platform.  Also we will be able to offer our clients the convenience of using one company for all the low voltage systems in the project.

DSC (Digital Security Controls) is a world leader in electronic security. Since the company’s genesis, the experts at DSC have been leading the way. From revolutionary control panels, to their industry-leading IP alarm monitoring products and now sleek, contemporary self-contained wireless panels, DSC has always been front and center in the security space.