0844 870 4807 info@hadleyav.co.uk
London | Herts | Beds | Bucks
0844 870 4807 info@hadleyav.co.uk
London | Herts | Beds | Bucks

Whole house Control4 – even heating integration!

One of our first projects when we started was for a client in deepest darkest Surrey.
We met him back in the summer of 2010, and he had a pretty comprehensive brief that he had worked on for quite some time:  Three years ago he had his electrician pull in Cat5 and speaker cables to all the rooms for the future, but held off installing anything else as he was waiting for the right system to come along.

He wanted everything: 3D cinema room, multi-room AV distribution, lighting control, updated wired/wireless networks, large capacity network storage, and CCTV, all integrated into one automation system that he could use with his Ipad or Iphone.  Also, the ability to showcase his company’s work as a video editor was very important – he wanted to show his clients what they had been working on from any display inside (or outside) the house.

We started the second fix at the end of October and finally finished handover in March.  It took a lot of resources to get everything done just right, but we’re proud of what we have achieved with this project.
Here’s a selection of the best photos….regular followers will already know that I’ll never win any prizes for my camera skills!

The house is amazing, a beautiful cottage situated in the woods.