0844 870 4807 info@hadleyav.co.uk
London | Herts | Beds | Bucks
0844 870 4807 info@hadleyav.co.uk
London | Herts | Beds | Bucks

A Fixer-Upper

Here’s a small Sonos/Control4 head-end that needed a little TLC. The system had locked up in some rooms, and the equipment was rather hot, especially that old Sky HD box on the top shelf.

We engineered a 19″ rack to fit the 34cm deep cupboard, upgraded the network, added protection for the Control4 processor, and tidied up the power bars as much as we could.

We still have a couple of lengths of trunking to go on the back wall to cover up those pesky cables. Apologies for the photo quality but the iPhone 3GS just keeps on going, and I can’t bear to get rid of it.



